Nutrition Innovation speaks with Food Navigator Asia on their growth and success in Malaysia with CSR


Singapore healthier sugar firm Nutrition Innovation is riding on consumer demand for healthier, less-refined products, especially post-COVID-19, to launch in several new markets as well as push a new commercial sugar variety.

Along with Malaysian partner Central Sugars Refinery (CSR), Nutrition Innovation’s low-GI sugar marketed under the brand Better Brown has seen massive success in Malaysia, capturing 33% of the local brown sugar market.

Better Brown is a healthier, non-refined version of cane sugar produced using Nutrition Innovation technology to retain antioxidants and release energy into the body more slowly to prevent weight gain, obesity and corresponding health issues.

Its processing retains natural molasses and caramels, making it 10% sweeter than regular brown sugar but with more aroma and flavour, and as such consumers are also generally advised to use 10% less of this sugar, said Nutrition Innovation CEO Matthew Godfrey.

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Darcy Fray